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Friday, February 8, 2008

My review of Animal Farm as seen on goodreads

Now, before I share my review, I need to warn everyone (hopefully someone will read this blog! ;) that I go off on tirades. Poor Nathan has to deal with them on almost a daily basis. I don't tirade against Nathan, I just tirade about things to Nathan. These tirades are a way for my to express my feelings and deal with frustration. Many of these (not all ;) become unjust, unfair, and should NEVER be repeated. However, I also used to go off on tirades on weekday mornings with my sister while getting ready for school. These were meant to be humorous. It made both of us feel better about the common stresses of life at the time through laughter. (I miss those mornings Mandy!) I will share these kinds of tirades. Just know that while they express my feelings, they are not meant to be taken totally seriously. I am not trying to offend anyone, I am trying to take you on this humorous ride with me for a minute. I will try to warn you when this is about to happen so that you can skip or continue reading as you wish. Let me also state at this point that I think the author of this book, George Orwell, was a great man as far as I know. I am glad he wrote this book and made the points that he did. I just didn't enjoy reading it. So finally to get to the point, here is my review,

"What suprises me most, in glancing at the other reviews, is that the people who didn't like the book, didn't like it because it was boring. I didn't like it because it was creepy! Animals taking over like that is frightening to me. Perhaps it is because I have seen the creepy cartoon. (My husband actually bought the cartoon to watch it more than once. Maybe I will go into the movie cabinet now and throw it away! ;)

But seriously. I think everyone should read in once, understand the symbolism, learn from it, and apprieciate the good things about America. Just know you may not enjoy it. After that the lesson should be remembered, but the creepy story forgotten. What bugs me most about the story is Boxer. I mean he is a great guy (I mean horse). He is a hard worker, gentle, giving, and valuable to society because he is capable of doing great things. And what does he get for it?? Those of you who have read the story know. How agrivating is that?!?!? I have a hard time respecting him. He was duped! Year after year he gives service to these evil leaders and gets nothing for it. Not that we should all be selfish, but we need to look for good leadership. Boxer supports these bad leaders! He thinks they're wonderful until they betray him. Use your head. I find it extreemly agrivating that all of his talents are wasted on undeserving leaders who don't care about him at all. He counted on the government to take care of him and they didn't care about him at all.

Now, I hope that every one knows, that even though America is not perfect and has flawed leadership sometimes, that I love America. It has the most potiential to do good when compared to other forms of government, all things considered. But I would hope that I would not be duped by politicians promising me the moon, and then taking my hard work and money and using it selfishly for themselves. And I would hope that I would not continue voting for people like that year after year after year. Do not be duped America! Use your heads. If they are not promoting and DOING good things, don't vote for them. I think that is the most important lesson this book taught me. And it also taught me not to depend on government to take care of my problems. The animals depend on their government for everything, therefore the government as all the power, and then the power is abused. Take charge of your own life! Help should be provided by government if truely needed as a TEMPORARY safety net. However, there is no way that a government can provide everything for everyone without being socialistic and having too much power and then taking away everyone's freedom of choice."

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