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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And in my Dream.....

So I had this really cool dream. I dreamed that I had another baby, all natural, with very little pain involved, and a super easy recovery. The baby was a boy and I saw his face. He didn't look like Ellie or Will and I was trying to figure it out. Then I woke up, probably to feed Will and fell back to sleep. Well as you know from the previous post, people around here like to wake me up and so I had many dreams. During my dreams throughout the night and in the morning, I kept thinking about my first dream. I kept saying, "Man! I wish that dream was real. It be so easy..." When I finally woke up for real, "Darn! I wish that dream was real! I'd be all set." Seriously. Why couldn't I just wake up and have a new baby with so little effort. If only we could make dreams reality......

Oh! and don't worry....I am NOT pregnant.


Sheri said...

A dream of a painless natural childbirth?! Maybe you're one of those girls who would rock at natural childbirth. Interesting that the baby wasn't Ellie or William. Does it make you want to try to go natural next time?

Rachel said...

I'm glad you said at the end that you weren't pregnant. That saves me the embarrassment of arriving at and asking the invasive: "OH!! ARE YOU PREGNANT!?"

I haven't had any giving birth dreams yet: I've just started to have dreams where I'm pregnant in them. I even had one where I felt and saw the baby moving in my dream exactly like in real life.

Just what is a Clair? said...

You already know what I would say.;)

I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

If it was that easy I am afraid we would all have tons of kids!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Well, my pregnancies and deliveries pretty much are that easy and it still doesn't make me want to have 10 kids, so go figure.