I've had cause recently to reflect on how awesome you all are. All of you (and yes I mean you, the person reading this blog right now) have, at one point or another in my life, helped me in some way. I could list every single person on my blogroll (and countless people not on my blogroll who are friends, family, and ward members) and say something specific that you have done to help me. I will refrain for lack of time. I will however list a few general things. You have: tended my children, smiled at me, listened to me, shared a kind word, taught me how to be a better mom (Yes, Angie you are one of those! You are a great mom! I'm completely serious.), taught me in Relief Society, taught me new skills, taught my children, made me a meal, helped with projects I am working on, been a good example......you get the idea. You all have helped me and other people in your lives. You have been true representatives of Jesus Christ. Give yourselves a giant pat on the back! Are you pattng??? Good.
What spurred this on? (It's sad that it had to be spurred on...so if you ever doubt my affection/apperciation/adoration just come back reread this post, and make sure you pat yourself on the back). I mentioned in passing to my friend Sheri the other night, when she was babysitting my children, that I still had to make cinnamon rolls and I hoped I had enough time because they had to be made for the next morning. When Nate and I got back from dinner with some friends, not only had Sheri babysat my kids, she had made me homemade bread dough to turn into cinnamon rolls. I felt so pleasantly surprised! I felt so loved because of her act of unasked for kindness.`This led me to think of all of you and how wonderful you are!
Nate has also been especially nice to me. He fixed my vacuum. He let me get an nice new faucet (our old one was discusting and difficult to clean) and he installed it almost entirely by himself. It's so cool because you can pull it out and use it to spray big dishes in the sink. I'm so happy with it!Last night, Nate commented on how "tomorrow is a good day for sleeping in". So when he was gone this morning, I was surprised. Then I remembered that Nate often likes to go play ping pong on Tuesday mornings when he can. It was fine for the first few hours because the kids where being good. They even let me sleep in a little. But that last hour and half was difficult. When Nate finally walked through the door I said, "I hope you were having fun wherever you were!" (Yes, I was a little bit grouchy. Even though I knew he deserved a fun break playing ping pong). Then I noticed that Nate had a bag from the grocery store and it's contents seemed a bit atypical. Nate told me I should take a look. And so I did. This is what I found:
CHOCOLATE!! A variety of delicous and fancy chocolate. AND....a card even! Yes, I felt very humbled. I told Nate that he could go to ping pong anytime he wished (in hopes that it will bring home more chocolate!!!!)
3 years ago
That was a very nice post Meridy - you are so cute! Wow, and what a nice surprise from you husband, tell him to pass this on to Tyler! ;)
I just wanted to let you know what a sweet, kind, fun loving person I think you are. You have such a sweet disposition, and I admire you for that. So, thank you to you as well. :)
I love the way you put the thoughts into words.
I should put your thoughts into works.
Great post. How sweet. Is there any chocolate left?
We all need to take time to appreciate each other don't we? You are so nice to me to help with my blog, thanks. I'm glad Nate treats you well, he learned it from his Dad.
WOW!! How sweet.
Aww, I LOVE YOU MER!! You are so sweet and kind and good and willing to serve. I often wish there was more I could do to show you and Nate how much I appreciate everything you guys do for us. I felt this way especially on that day we got back from Missouri, and not only did Nate come pick us up from the airport on a SUNDAY, but you told me in no uncertain terms that we were all eating dinner at your house that evening. That was such a blessing!! I'd been worring about it the day before, because we had NOTHING to cook with at home, and I didn't want to break the Sabbath, but I really didn't want to go home and suck on dry macaroni for dinner. Then, right after I was worrying about it, you took the entire problem out of my hands and saved the day. You do little sweet things all of the time, and I want to be more like you. Thank you for being my best friend!
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