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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pretty much....Ben Stein is right on the money.

I finally was able to watch the movie Expelled, put together by Ben Stein. It is powerful. I greatly admire Ben Stein for standing up for what he believes in through this documentary even though he will be persecuted for it.

In the movie, Ben interviews scientists who have lost their jobs (some have even been blacklisted) for merely suggesting that the origin of species may have come about through Intelligent Design (ID). Many of these dogmatic evolutionists are atheist and think ID immediately means that we are talking about Creationism (which isn't always the case) and talking about God is unintelligent and a waste of time. (In fact, any explanation, even aliens, is somewhat acceptable to them--just not God. I ask you: is this intelligent??) Ben says he thought science was all about asking questions. ANY question. He points out the oppression by modern day evolutionists who want to tell us what and how to think. It turns out this not just about science, this is about freedom. I totally support Ben in promoting freedom of speech and freedom to study REAL science again. If scientists were allowed (how sad that they have to be "allowed") to take things from a different point of view, we could gain more knowledge and help more people fight diseases and solve problems. Why can't we ask? Why are we being told what to think?? I thought science was all about thinking outside the box. Evolutionists only want us to think inside their box. They don't like the idea of their imperfect theory being challenged. Why are they afraid of the challenge?? Why are we giving these "men in high places" so much power?

If you feel so inclined check out the movie at REDBOX for only a dollar! Ben also shares a website: click here. Sign the petition if you feel so inclined. ;)

ALSO, check out this video about Traditional Marriage. (see below). It is awesome! Very FAIR and very clear. AND our friend Danny Frost wrote a great essay on the same subject: click here.


I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

You guys make me think when I read your blog. I like to watch Ben Stein when he is on Glen Beck.

Kelly said...

I like the video and I am scared to death.