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Thursday, April 15, 2010

The "Geezer" Advantage

Our ward's young men thought they would "own" the Elders' quorum in ultimate Frisbee. As an experienced participant in the ways of young guys vs. old guys match-ups, I had a pretty good idea how it would turn out. We destroyed them. So I'm wondering which variable most strongly accounts for the geezer advantage--matured bodies, experience, or fully functioning frontal lobes?

I read a description of the teenage problem recently that said teenagers have a hole in their heads. That is to say, their frontal lobes are immature. They have a harder time making sound decisions and maintaining focus. We definitely had the mental edge, and I'm not sure experience can account for all of that. They were unable to function as a team. They were scatterbrained, looking where they might throw the Frisbee before they had caught it. Now, old guys did that a couple times, but we seemed to learn from it. We also developed strategies, noted player tendencies, and exploited tactical advantages.

It also helped that we were taller and could knock them over to win position.

I like Frisbee, and Ultimate is fun. Does anyone have a league I can join? Oh yes, they have leagues and even a national governing body.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

'It also helped that we were taller and could knock them over to win position."

hahahha. Love it. Sounds like a fun activity.