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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Worst Case Scenario Blog Game Show (Come Play!)

This episode: "How to flee a forest fire."

a) Head away from the fire, toward higher ground.
b) Head downhill, away from the fire.
c) Head away from fire, toward flat ground.
d) Find Smokey Bear and ask him what to do.

Please give your answers in the comments section of this post. The winners, survive. The losers, in this case, burn and die. If you don't answer, the fire caught you unawares and you are a goner. We will post the correct answer and indicate the survivors for this question by Nov. 29 at 5pm-ish. We will continue our little game until there is one survivor standing! The survivor gets the glory of winning, being alive, and being socially competent.

(DISCLAIMER: The answers come from a very official source, that I swear I did not make up. I did not arbitrarily choose the correct answer. If you complain to me that your answer is the correct one, instead of the one that I said was correct, I'll just say, "I know! I thought so too! But the reliable source CLEARLY indicated that mine was the correct answer by typing that choice in bold font. There's just no accounting for it!")



Anna said...

b) Head downhill, away from the fire.
(I should know this one because I was once nationally trained as a forest fire fighter, but I have to admit that I don't remember nearly anything from my training...)

LeAnn said...

I would say (b), but I think a strong wind could be a factor to think over.

Sheri said...

I choose B. First, because it was my original choice. Secondly, because Anna chose B and she is a nationally trained forest fire fighter.

The Leonards said...

I choose D. If anyone knows what to do, it will be Smokey:)

Project Maniac said...

Well, b or d are the two to choose from, but I am also going to go with my practical gut and say B. With my luck I wouldn't be able to find Smokey in time.

Shella said...

Shella says b, Zach says c. This is a fun game. :)

Ashley Miller said...

Head downhill. If this is wrong, it's a miracle my parents' house is still standing.

Sheri said...

Ashley, are you saying that your parents' house headed downhill during the fire to save itself?