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Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Near Death experience of my Arm

Imagine waking in the middle of the night with the knowledge that something is wrong, very wrong with your arm. But you can't find it. So you have to use your other arm to find it. And that arm reaches over and finds a limp lifeless arm in it's hand. Suddenly the brain registers the feeling, "EEeeeAAH!"

Such thing happened to me last night. I had to frantically use my left hand to help my right arm once again obtain a state where blood circulation is possible. This hasn't happened to me in quite awhile. When it happens, and my arm is that limp, I often wonder if I'll even be able to revive it. It kind of scares me actually. It took awhile to work my arm back awake. When I did try to use it, felt like it was floating. It was so wobbly, it was as if it was drunk. The drama of it had me laughing as I went back to sleep again. Perhaps it's strange to laugh at your own horror, but that's what I did. I often find the overstated and understated terribly funny, so at least I'm consistent.

This experience gave me cause to think of how wonderful the human body is. Isn't it kind of your body to warn you when your arm is dead? "Uh...Meridy, your arm is dying. Stop cutting off your own circulation you moron. WAKE UP and revive it!" Can you imagine if you lost your arm because your body lacked this warning mechanism?

On the other hand, why is the body often so self defeating? Let's say, for example, that there is this great piece of chocolate silk pie.... The arteries are desperately trying to communicate, "NO! Don't eat it! Think of the future!! We don't want to be clogged up...." Unfortunately our body's red tape doesn't allow us to hear their thoughts. What we are stuck with is the stomach and the brain. The stomach is chanting, "eat it! Eat it! EAT it! EAT IT!" The brain is a bit more confused. One part of it is chanting, "sugar. Sugar! SUgar!! SUGAR!!!" The other part of it is saying, "How much chocolate silk pie can I eat with out causing lasting damage?....Okay that was really good! Oh! Look! There is still more pie left! It looks goooood. And I should know, I just had some. But I already ate a huge slice and I just don't know if it will be healthy....."

And so man must struggle to survive with himself. But hey, at least we get to have some chocolate silk pie while we're doing it!


Sheri said...

Haha. I keep seeing the scene on Horton Hears a Who where the mayor is trying to gesture with his limp dead arm. Cracks me up every time. Especially when I picture YOU as the mayor...

Kyle said...

That was a very entertaining quote Mer Mer, thank you haha!

Kyle said...

I meant post not quote...

I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

Oh Meridy,
You have such a way with words.
Glad your arm is still attached and working.

Shella said...

I used to talk about this with Kimber. Wouldn't it be nice if your arms were detachable and you could hang them up when you went to bed? Sometimes they just get in the way! Now, more than arms, I wish that tongues were detachable and I could take them out when I'm polishing teeth or taking x-rays. I also find it fun when my arm is completely dead like that. I like to lift it up with my other hand and just let it drop on top of me while I'm lying in bed.

sara said...

Oh man, it's been a while since my arm has fallen asleep like that!!! It is the craziest feeling. I'm glad you got it revived. :)

Ben and Anna said...

I just had the detatchable arm conversation with my husband, because it would be so much easier to cuddle if the arm smashed between the two people could just be detatched.

Kelly said...

Meridy, they are having a tea party at Sunset Park on tax day, the 15th, from 12-7, but really from 12-3. I am going to go. Do you want to go with me?

Abby said...

Haha! I hate that feeling! I wish my body would let me know I'm killing my arm before it's actually asleep.

Larsen's in Wyoming said...

That was funny, but the comments are disturbing, detachable limbs(not to mention tongues)??? I'm kind of queesy thinking about it.