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Friday, July 25, 2008

I was going for That mustache feeling.

Unfortunately, my mustache is less suave than the Tick's. The low point came today, when I shaved off the chin beard and left the mustache to stand on it's own merits. All in all I still have to consider my latest facial hair experiment a success.

Here is a slide show so you can see the whole story.

Click to play Mustache story.
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Cheryl said...

I am impressed with your entertaining slide show. How did you get Maxine to help you with it?
I am always impressed with your good looks! You've got to try the mustache and beard thing at least once. It doesn't have to be a permanent thing--and it's a good thing Meridy likes you.
She did a good job with your hair.

Rachel said...

That is really funny! I like the progression in pictures! The mustache and beard make you look like a musketeer. The haircut and mustache alone make you look like a policeman. So not bad things to look like :D

Cheryl said...

She's right--you do look like you could be in a Musketeer movie!

Sheri said...

I hearted that slide show, it was way fun. And Meridy, although you only had a sub-starring role, I thought you looked hot. :)

Sheri said...

ps nate you looked okay too. Not hot, cause I don't check out other guys, but I'm sure Meridy thinks you look lovely. :)

sara said...

That is so funny! I loved the commentary. It was quite a story there. I'm glad it had a happy ending and you got "the girl" reguardless. :)

Shella said...

Nathan, I dig the show. I can't say that I'm sad about the ending. I think facial hair is weird. Except for on people that usually have it, I guess...even then, it's iffy. With just the stache, your look could definitely be officer...maybe park ranger. We'd have to see it with both hats.

I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

Oh Nate,
You are so entertainning! And you do look like a debonair Hollywood Movie Star!
With or without the facial hair, you look marvelous.

Larsen's in Wyoming said...

Seriously, you slay me, I was busting up laughing out loud. How do you find time for all of your great posts? Don't you have tons of homework? You are so funny and entertaining.

Angie said...

Ditto to the above! I vote for the clean shaven look, that last picture was so handsome! I have been trying to get Lyf to shave for a while, come on it will grow back!

Angie said...

After watching the clip about Tick, even I wanted a mustache for a minute, he makes it look so cool. I can see why you wanted one.