Be careful, it could happen to you.
More information on a sloding head syndrome.
It's a good thing I don't have too much mental capacity to begin with because I have certainly been overtaxing my poor brain of late. The last three days of my life have been especially mind-blowing. The bar exam is no picnic, so I wouldn't recommend that anyone take it...unless you want to be admitted to the which case you may have to take it. I hear the Utah bar exam is less demanding. I'm going to try that one next.
Another thing, why can't they tell us our dang MBE scores? 1/3 of the test is a multiple choice exam called the Multistate Bar Exam. We're talking fill-in-the-bubble here. It would take 2 seconds (give or take) to put it through a little machine, but we have to wait until October 22 to know how we did on it.
I'm just going to assume that I passed. That will make the next 2.5 months more enjoyable. Anyway, it's over now.
7 years ago
Hooray! Congratulations on probably, most likely, and in all likelihood passing the bar! Now I can call you "Nathan Reeve, Almost Esquire." That sounds pretty good.
Even if they can't tell you immediately, it seems quite excessive that they make you wait TWO AND A HALF MONTHS! Why do they have everyone take it at the same time anyway? How inefficient is that!
Nate, good job! You have plenty of mental capacity, brain power to spare. You are right tooo looong to wait!
Thank goodness it's over! I finally have a husband that isn't studying! I must say though that I am jealous you only have to wait 2.5 months. We have to wait 4!
Great job, Nate.
I am not a bit worried whether you passed or not, cause I'll bet you did.
Too bad they make you wait so long.
What in the world?! Is that little article for real? Your head can really explode? I'm pretty gullible so I probably just fell for someone's silly joke, didn't I?
Hey! Amember me? I haven't been around lately. It's good to read the test is over.
I'm glad it's over! Now we can get back to playing Rook guilt-free! But only after dark, because all daylight must be spent in wedding preparations... 5 years from now, when Zach and I have both graduated from school, we'll have to play Rook like...a lot. :) How I look forward to the day when, like you, I can say for good that I'm done with homework.
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