I haven't blogged in ages.
I don't know if I even know how to write a blog anymore. Nonetheless, I march onward and my fingers continue to to strike the letters on the keyboard. Often they strike the wrong ones, and I have to go back and erase a few letters, and type the proper ones in. I have never been that outstanding as a typist. And then I go back and reread what I've already written. Type a little bit more and then reread again. Then after I post it, I reread it again and try to fix all the mistakes I made, that I should have caught the first few hundred times, before anyone in the outside world can read them. It takes me a long time to type a good post.
I'm feeling contemplative. I think it is because we've had cloud cover all day, and because I just read a really interesting book. It's called The Guernsey Literary and Potato-Peel Pie Society. (I got a $22 hardback book for $1!! It was a steal!) Except for some swearing, it is one of the best books I have ever read. It is thought provoking and has heart wrenching moments, but has enough humor and good feeling to make the book completely enjoyable. Very thought provoking, insightful, great characters. But I don't want write a book review. Sorry.
We have been really busy. We have been going to dance class, getting ready to move, visiting old friends, visiting family, having birthday parties, winning medals, attending funerals (Zach's mother Krysti, and Nate's Grandpa Reeve passed away recently. Two wonderful people who will be missed!), getting ready for a wedding, getting ready for the blankity, blank, blank BAR exam, getting bit by a horse in the face (A horse bit Will, but don't worry he's fine. That horse is just ornery.), and playing "Grassy, Grass, Go Away" in which you think of grassy things to do. The last person to think of a fun thing to do in the grass wins. (Ellie made this game up, with help from Nate.) Here are some pictures. They are by no means all inclusive, but it is the best I have to work with right now.
Ellie has been sporting braids lately. I think they suit her well, and it looks like I cared enough to do her hair. ;) She still will not let me do her hair, but braids are apparently okay.
This is Will opening his Dinosaur Rar! at a little party we had at home. Denise, a friend of mine and Sheri's, came on Will's birthday, so we just had a fun little party with her and her two boys, Tristin and Ethan. We played with balloons, had snow cones, blew bubbles, had ice cream cone cake (Thanks for that idea Denise), and opened presents. Thanks for your gifts!
Darling Rachel.
Will and Ethan.
This is the cake from the little party we had for Will at my mom's house. He loved his gifts from her. And thank you Emily for the birthday gift you sent to Will. He and Ellie both loved the drums. And thanks to Cheryl for the books. Will and Ellie will enjoy those as well!
Nate with his Gold Medal for first place in his division for Singles in Table Tennis at the Utah summer games!
Will and my dad.
And what, do you ask, does "No Peaches" have anything to do with all that? Nothing. However, I will honestly tell you that it IS a secret code........
Haha. You're weird. No peaches...silly Mer.
I love the pictures and I'm so glad you posted! You HAVE been quite busy!
Oh my, what a writer you are!!
You should write a column or a book!
So glad you blogged again. Love the pictures. And wow, Nate, didn't know about the medal, way cool.
Good luck, (don't think luck has anything to do with it.)
on the BAR exam, you can do it!
Love you all, Aunt Venna Rae
That's so neat that you got a gold in table tennis. You will have to play with Kevin and teach him a thing or two. He really likes ping pong. Good luck with everything else in your life. It seems like things all happen at once and then you life doesn't slow down.
It was wonderful seeing you guys. I was hoping for peaches! Too Bad! I too love your posts and are glad you're back in the blogging world. I look forward to updates on your family. Nate, what an honor-you're the ping-pong master!! Eleanor's hair is so cute in braids, I love it. We'll see you in a few weeks for the beautiful garden wedding!
It's about time you updated your blog! I thought I have been horrible about blogging but you have me beat:) I love all of the pictures. You guys seem like you have been having so much fun. Congrats on winning Nate! I agree with the bankity, blank, blank BAR exam! Only a few more days and we will have our husbands back!
woohoo! What's the name of your etsy shop? I can't find it.
The tree is full of peaches, but none for Meridy. Maybe next time. I am glad you updated, you are the blogging example to all of us and I was getting worried. I love the braids, makes it tempting to grow some girls hair long again. Maybe after swimming season. Good luck this week Nate!
I love all those pictures-especially of the sunglasses and the dinosaur and the dancing outfit. :) I do love Elli's braids. Nathan, I'm so proud to call you my brother. I tell everyone I can about how you're a gold medalist. Mer, thanks for blogging. :) I need to blog some myself...
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