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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blogger had a bad day

Probably all you of you know that blogger had an infamous bad day, that has been mentioned in much of blogdom. Well this bad day extended itself all the way to this blog. I know that I lost some of your comments. Some of which I never got to read and I wanted to very badly. I've been waiting around to see if blogger would remedy this problem, but I think it is a lost cause. If you would like to repost them, feel free to do so. I just wanted to let you know that I promise that I did not delete them. :)


Shella said...

I love your new picture! It's perfect. :) Ellie smiling at the camera is just king of caps the perfectness. I'm sure you didn't plan that part, but it's perfect. :) Love your cute family and the cute, sweet new Josie!
p.s. My word verification word is boris. This reminds me of Rocky and Bullwinkle. :)

Shella said...

Whoa...I just read that. Ellie smiling at the camera just kind of caps...that's what I meant...hahaha
p.s. The word verification word this time is hingnes...not quite as cool as Boris.