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Thursday, November 13, 2008


I just recently took this female icon personality quiz (click here if any of you girls want to take it) that my friend Kaarina posted on her blog. It fit her really well so I thought that I would try it. Well for only being two questions, it's really good. My problem was that I could have answered both questions one of two ways, therefore leaving four possibilities. So now it is the time you've all been waiting for, the revealing of which female icons I am. Drum roll please.......

I am a cross between Marilyn Monroe/Ingrid Bergman(?)/Jackie Kennedy/Grace Kelly.

So what I actually did is, look at each profile and then developed my own personalized personality read out by gathering the information about each person that is applicable to me. Here it is for those of you interested in reading it:

Meridy's Personality
A cross between Marilyn/Ingrid/Jakie/Grace

How to get along with me:
Be direct and clear (This is not always important, but very important in stressful situations.)
Listen to me carefully
Work things through for me
Reassure me that everything is okay between us
Laugh and make jokes with me
Try not to overreact to my overreacting

Be a supportive friend or partner. Help me learn to love and value myself.

Take your share of the responsibility so I don't end up with all the work. (I probably would never tell you this directly, but it's how I feel inside.)
I'm hard on myself. Reassure me that I'm fine the way I am.
Tell me that you value my advice.
Be fair and considerate.
Gently encourage me to lighten up and to laugh at myself when I get uptight, but listen to my worries first.

I need time alone to process my feelings (I don't always have to be alone, so just wait around while I work through it out loud to you. Sorry, it might be a long conversation.)
Remember that if I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it is probably because I am feeling uncomfortable. (So true--but more so when I was younger.)
If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because it was such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place. (So true. Ask Nate.)
Help me to avoid my pet peeves: overdone emotions (even my own emotions) and intrusions on my privacy. (pet peeves is a strong way to say it, but I don't like those things.)

What I like about me:
Being committed and faithful to family and friends.
Being responsible and hard working. (I'm not always hardworking, but I value it when I am.)
Being compassionate towards others. (I hope I am).
Having intellect and wit (I value it in others; I wish I was more witty)
Being a nonconformist (I think I am only somewhat nonconformist but I value that small part of me.)
Being direct and assertive (When I actually can be direct and assertive, I feel good about me as long as I don't feel like I was a jerk by being direct and assertive.)
Confronting danger bravely (Well not all the time, but I am very brave in certain situations. This is definitely another one of those things that I value in other people.)

My ability to find meaning in life and to experience feeling at a deep level (This is more touch and go, but I appreciate it when it happens to me.)
My ability to establish warm connections with people.
Admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life.
My creativity.
Being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me. (I hope that's true).
Having aesthetic sensibilities

Having high standards and ethics; not compromising myself.
Being reasonable, responsible, and dedicated in everything I do.
Being able to put facts together, coming to good understandings, and figuring out wise solutions. (Sometimes it takes awhile).

Coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects. (Again, sometimes it takes awhile).
My sense of integrity; doing what is right and not being influenced by social pressure. (In general. I have been influenced by social pressure before ;)

What's hard about being me:
The constant push and pull involved in making up my mind. (Amen, and amen.)
Procrastinating because of fear of failure; having little confidence in myself. (Again, amen.)
Fearing being abandoned or taken advantage of. (I was smart, I made sure I married someone who wouldn't abandon me ;)
Exhausting myself by worrying and scanning of danger. (Bullseye)
Wishing I had a rule book so that I could do everything right.
Being too critical of myself when I haven't lived up to my expectations.

Feeling guilty when I disappoint people.
Fearing being abandoned.
Feeling dark moods of despair. (Sounds dramatic, but I do tend to jump to the worst case scenario. I hate it. Nate has to help me get back on track.)
Obsessing over resentments (I used to be more this way. I try very hard NOT to resent people. When it happens, I do obsess, but I try really hard to stop myself. It just feels so immoral of me to be resentful. I do worry that people resent me. However, now I just choose not to be resentful and can turn it off faster.)

Feeling disappointed with myself or others when my expectations are not met.
Feeling burdened by too much responsibility. (Sometimes I take a lot on and them am not able to finish everything on time.)
Thinking that what I do is never good enough. (Not all the time.)
Not being appreciated. (Only if I worked really hard on something, then I want you to appreciate it a lot. I don't always work hard on things, and then I don't care so much what you think.)
Obsessing about what I did or should do. (I'm getting better at turning this one off as well, but still have a tendency to do it.)
Being tense, anxious, and taking things too seriously. (Yes I do.)

Being slow to put my knowledge and insights to the world. (Amen.)
Feeling bad when I act defensive or like a know-it-all.

As a child:
Anxious and hyper-vigilant; anticipate danger.
Look to groups or authorities to protect them and/or question authority and rebel (I did look to authority figures a lot as a child. Actually, I've gotten more rebellious as I've gotten older. The trick is that I don't really rebel in general. I only feel like rebelling. I would rebel if it was important morally.)

Have active imaginations: play creatively alone or organize playmates in original games. (Amen)
Are very sensitive (So true.)
Feel that they don't fit in. (Often I did feel this way.)
Believe they are missing something other people have.(Often. Not really material things, but intangible things.)
Attach themselves to idealized teachers, heroes, artists, ect.
Feel lonely. (Mostly this happened during episodes of not fitting in at school. I felt good with family and friends that I did have.)
Criticize themselves in anticipation of criticism of others. (Oh, yes.)
Refrain from things they might not do perfect. (Only if a grade wasn't in jeopardy.)
Focus on living up to the expectations of their parents and teachers. (Yep.)
Are very responsible; may assume the role of parent (First child syndrome, which I am.)
Hold back negative emotions (I try. I don't like negative emotions.)

Have a few special friends.
Are very bright and curious and do well in school.
Are sensitive; avoid interpersonal conflict.
Feel intruded upon and controlled. (Sometimes.)

As a parent:
Are often loving, nurturing, and have a strong sense of duty. (I don't always act on my strong sense of duty. Maybe it's better to say I have a strong sense of duty about a few things when it comes to parenting and I can stand up for those things. Such as not letting my kids run out into the street or saying mean things to each other—It's my duty to teach those to my kids for example.)
Sometimes have trouble saying no and setting boundaries. (Pretty much...)

(Ingrid):Help their children become who they really are.
Support their children's creativity and originality
Are good at helping kids get in touch with their feelings (I hope I am. I think this is really important. I am sensitive to it I think, because I have a hard time working through my own feelings. I want my kids to be good at it.)
Are usually very good with children if not too self-absorbed.

(Jackie):Teach their children responsibility and strong moral values. (That's the goal. I hope we start doing better on that—the responsibility part.)
Are consistent and fair.

(Grace):Kind, perceptive, and devoted. (Mostly I hope.)

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